Additional Gluing for the 2nd Layer Planks

This Dap Weldwood Contact Cement works pretty good for doing this 2nd Layer Plank work.

With the exception of one thing. I have found that often I would have to use supplemental gluing for the areas that are experiencing Pressure. Primarily on the Bow and Transom.

The Bow, I’ve basically cured it by using my Jig and prebending the Planks before applying the Contact Cement. In other words, I don’t apply the wood and force it to bend around the Bow. The first few times I did this, I had to use SuperGlue and hold it down for a minute or so.

I’m not a big fan of SuperGlue. I’m skeptical whether it will come apart in a future date.

So… I try to use the Titebond II Wood Glue with a Clamp to hold it in place, if u can help it.

Here, I’m clamping some boards that weren’t tight enough on the Transom.

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